jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011
29 Años Sin la Maestra Gloria Casado
Este 1 de diciembre se conmemoran 29 años del fallecimiento de una maestra ocoeña que amó el arte de enseñar, Gloria María Casado Vda. Rodríguez, quien educó generaciones rompiendo esquemas para bien de la educación; ciudadana ejemplar, luchadora, abnegada, amorosa, fiel esposa y una dulce madre, que también enseñó el amor y los valores a sus estudiantes, dejando un legado en San José de Ocoa. En los años 80 existió en el municipio de Ocoa un colegio con su nombre, ubicado en la calle Duarteesq. calle Mella, donde otra generación tuvo la oportunidad de estudiar. Gloria Casado, una maestra que debe existir también en el recuerdo de cada ocoeño y puedan conocer su historia, su vocación de servicio, sin la necesidad que hay ahora de recursos económicos para proporcionar una educación de calidad, cuidando la conciencia del alumno para que puedan llegar a metas claras; más que una educadora, una madre para cada estudiante. Hoy la recordamos en este espacio como mujer, como madre, como ciudadana ejemplar, dueña de una caligrafía envidiable y como maestra llena de valores y principios que dignifica a los ocoeños y ocoeñasa quienes les transmitió sus enseñanzas por generaciones, siempre preocupada porque sus alumnos aprendan. Lo publicamos para que las nuevas generaciones siempre la recuerden y conozcan una ocoeña orgullo de su pueblo que debe mantenerse en la historia como un ejemplo de maestra valiente, que educó con pasión.
5 comentarios:
Lecssy Pimentel
Solamente te puedo decir gracias por ese homenaje sincero, a mi madre mas que abuela. Espero que se le refresque la memoria a muchos, de lo que fue Gloria Casado,y los que no sabian de ella ya iran aprendiendo del trabajo que ella realiso en nuestro querido pueblo. De nuevo gracias
In contrast, the non-organic gardener is more likely to use chemically created fertilizers.
As much as you may want to grow radishes and lentils in your kitchen you don't want to blemish your frugal reputation. In some cases, the quantity of materials for making compost in the amounts desired (an annual layer 2 inches deep across the garden) cannot be obtained.
Its not surprising that people might become depressed during stressful times – such as going through a divorce, caring for a sick relative or financial problems. Go here to instantly download Yeast Infection No More Book What precisely makes Yeast Infection No More Book unique is the degree of focus that is given to each and every aspect needed to attain permanent escape from candidiasis linked symptoms. Yeast Infection No More Book By Linda Allen is a 150 page downloadable e-book, jam-packed with the whole set of blueprint all-natural yeast infection treatment solutions, distinctive highly effective methods as well as the step by step holistic yeast infection process. The fourth chair of the Fine Group is a rotating chair filled by Jimmy Gaudreau (veteran of The Country Gentlemen, J.
She was not the type to accept poverty and illiteracy without protest.
According to coal miners can make from $56,000-$104,000 a year. It also happens sometimes that your character will say something silly. Data mining is mostly a relatively new term that represents the process by that predictive patterns are made from information.
What kind of favorable publicity do you think you'd get from a once-a-month letter in your local publication. A once great nation is sliding down the toilet and most everyone, especially politicians, are lying endlessly as it does, as if the nation’s decay should be ignored rather than honestly combated by its citizens. This is where the online websites play quite a vital role. Assemble your guests in teams, set out clues and people to actually talk to. Once you start packing with regular newspaper, 2 primary disadvantages become quickly apparent.
5 comentarios:
Solamente te puedo decir gracias por ese homenaje sincero, a mi madre mas que abuela. Espero que se le refresque la memoria a muchos, de lo que fue Gloria Casado,y los que no sabian de ella ya iran aprendiendo del trabajo que ella realiso en nuestro querido
pueblo. De nuevo gracias
In contrast, the non-organic gardener is more likely to use chemically created fertilizers.
As much as you may want to grow radishes and
lentils in your kitchen you don't want to blemish your frugal reputation. In some cases, the quantity of materials for making compost in the amounts desired (an annual layer 2 inches deep across the garden) cannot be obtained.
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Its not surprising that people might become depressed during
stressful times – such as going through a divorce,
caring for a sick relative or financial problems.
Go here to instantly download Yeast Infection No More Book What
precisely makes Yeast Infection No More Book unique is the degree
of focus that is given to each and every aspect needed to attain permanent escape from candidiasis linked symptoms.
Yeast Infection No More Book By Linda Allen is a 150 page downloadable
e-book, jam-packed with the whole set of blueprint
all-natural yeast infection treatment solutions, distinctive
highly effective methods as well as the step by step holistic yeast infection
process. The fourth chair of the Fine Group is a rotating chair filled by Jimmy Gaudreau (veteran of The Country Gentlemen, J.
She was not the type to accept poverty and illiteracy without protest.
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According to coal miners can make from $56,000-$104,000 a year.
It also happens sometimes that your character will
say something silly. Data mining is mostly a relatively new term that represents the process
by that predictive patterns are made from information.
What kind of favorable publicity do you think you'd get from a once-a-month letter in your local publication. A once great nation is sliding down the toilet and most everyone, especially politicians, are lying endlessly as it does, as if the nation’s decay should be ignored rather than honestly combated by its citizens. This is where the online websites play quite a vital role. Assemble your guests in teams, set out clues and people to actually talk to. Once you start packing with regular newspaper, 2 primary disadvantages become quickly apparent.
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